phat code If you hear an onion ring, answer it.






Free hosting for quality websites
About / Server / Features / Rules / Get Hosted


Phat Code provides free, bannerless hosting for quality programming- or computer-related websites.

Why do I do this? Well, it's my way of giving back to the community. Nice people have hosted my websites for free in the past, and I'd like to give other aspiring webmasters that opportunity. I don't make any money off this.

So if you have a website and want to get hosted, keep reading.



Phat Code is hosted on a Dual 6-Core Xeon server with 32 GB RAM, located at the Tierpoint/Colo4 datacenter in Dallas, TX (USA). The datacenter has several gigabit backbone connections to the Internet, so download speeds are never an issue. Average server uptime is above 99.9%.

Server Software

  • CloudLinux 6.8
  • Apache 2.4
  • Perl 5.10
  • PHP 5.5/5.6/7.0
  • MySQL 5.5


Account Features

All sites hosted by Phat Code have the following features:

  • Your own subdomain ( or
    Domain name pointers are available. If you own a domain name, your site can be accessed directly via that domain name with no redirection or cloaking frames.
  • 500 MB webspace to start (more available upon request)
  • Your own cPanel login
  • Unlimited (sub)subdomains
  • Unlimited FTP accounts
  • Unlimited email accounts (accessible via POP3, IMAP or webmail)
  • Email forwarders and catch-all email addresses (
  • Password protected directories
  • Custom error pages
  • Server-side includes (SSI)
  • FrontPage extensions supported
  • Perl and PHP scripts supported
  • MySQL databases



These are the basic rules which govern all sites hosted by Phat Code. They're pretty simple and I don't think anyone will have a problem with them. Failure to follow any of these rules will result in action ranging from a warning to immediate removal, depending on the severity. So play nice.

  • Your site must be primarily programming- or computer-related. I may make exceptions from time to time, but this is the general rule.
  • If you use your own domain name, forwarding URL, or subdomain instead of a subdomain, somewhere on your main page you need to have a link to (If you're using a subdomain, you don't have to do anything.)
  • The following details what types of material are not allowed on your site:
    • No copyrighted material that you do not have a license to distribute. (No "warez", copyrighted books, copyrighted MP3s, etc. "Abandonware" may be allowed, if I approve it first.)
    • No excessive vulgarity or "adult material" of any type.
    • No unlicensed scripts. (vBulletin, etc.)
    • No ads of any type. If you want ads on your site, use AngelFire.
    • No IRC services or bots. (Java IRC clients are ok.)
  • The following details what types of activity are not allowed with the resources provided:
    • No subhosting or resale of any services, for fee or for free.
    • No spamming.
    • No malicious scripts.
    • No hacking. (Forging TCP/IP packet headers, forging email headers, DoS attacks, flooding, mailbombing, etc.)
  • Additional rules may be added at any time, without notice.


How To Get Hosted

There are two ways to get your site hosted. The first is if you know me personally. If this is the case, just email me.

The second is by having a website that meets the following requirements:

  1. Programming- or computer-related
  2. High quality (Aesthetically pleasing, decent content, etc.)

If you believe your site meets these requirements, email me with your name and current site URL. Please keep in mind that since resources are limited, not all sites can be accepted.