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; Searches a text buffer for a text string. Uses REPNZ SCASB to scan
; the buffer for locations that match a specified character of the
; searched-for string, then uses REPZ CMPS to check fully only those
; locations that REPNZ SCASB has identified as potential matches.
; C small model-callable as:
;    unsigned char * FindString(unsigned char * Buffer,
;     unsigned int BufferLength, unsigned char * SearchString,
;     unsigned int SearchStringLength,
;     unsigned int ScanCharOffset);
; Returns a pointer to the first match for SearchString in Buffer,or
; a NULL pointer if no match is found. Buffer should not start at
; offset 0 in the data segment to avoid confusing a match at 0 with
; no match found.
Parms  struc
                        dw      2 dup(?)      ;pushed BP/return address
Buffer                  dw      ?             ;pointer to buffer to search
BufferLength            dw      ?             ;length of buffer to search
SearchString            dw      ?             ;pointer to string for which to search
SearchStringLength      dw      ?             ;length of string for which to search
ScanCharOffset          dw      ?             ;offset in string of character for
                                              ; which to scan
      .model      small
      public _FindString
      push     bp      ;preserve caller’s stack frame
      mov      bp,sp   ;point to our stack frame
      push     si      ;preserve caller’s register variables
      push     di
      cld              ;make string instructions increment pointers
      mov      si,[bp+SearchString]       ;pointer to string to search for
      mov      cx,[bp+SearchStringLength] ;length of string
      jcxz     FindStringNotFound         ;no match if string is 0 length
      mov      dx,[bp+BufferLength]       ;length of buffer
      sub      dx,cx                      ;difference between buffer and search
                                          ; lengths
      jc        FindStringNotFound ;no match if search string is
                    ; longer than buffer
      inc       dx  ; difference between buffer and search string
                    ; lengths, plus 1 (# of possible string start
                    ; locations to check in the buffer)
      mov       di,ds
      mov       es,di
      mov       di,[bp+Buffer]         ;point ES:DI to buffer to search thru
      mov       bx,[bp+ScanCharOffset] ;offset in string of character
                                       ; on which to scan
      add       di,bx         ;point ES:DI to first buffer byte to scan
      mov       al,[si+bx]    ;put the scan character in AL
      inc       bx            ;set BX to the offset back to the start of the
                              ; potential full match after a scan match,
                              ; accounting for the 1-byte overrun of
                              ; REPNZ SCASB
      mov       cx,dx              ;put remaining buffer search length in CX
      repnz     scasb              ;scan for the scan byte
      jnz       FindStringNotFound ;not found, so there’s no match
                                   ;found, so we have a potential match-check the
                                   ; rest of this candidate location
      push       di                ;remember the address of the next byte to scan
      mov        dx,cx             ;set aside the remaining length to search in
                                   ; the buffer
      sub        di,bx             ;point back to the potential start of the
                                   ; match in the buffer
      mov        si,[bp+SearchString]       ;point to the start of the string
      mov        cx,[bp+SearchStringLength] ;string length
      shr        cx,1                       ;convert to word for faster search
      jnc        FindStringWord             ;do word search if no odd byte
      cmpsb                                 ;compare the odd byte
      jnz        FindStringNoMatch          ;odd byte doesn’t match, so we
                                            ; haven’t found the search string here
      jcxz       FindStringFound        ;if the string is only 1 byte long,
                                        ; we’ve found a match
      repz       cmpsw                  ;check the rest of the string a word at a time
      jz         FindStringFound        ;it’s a match
      pop        di                     ;get back pointer to the next byte to scan
      and        dx,dx                  ;is there anything left to check?
      jnz        FindStringLoop         ;yes-check next byte
      sub        ax,ax                  ;return a NULL pointer indicating that the
      jmp        FindStringDone         ; string was not found
      pop         ax         ;point to the buffer location at which the
      sub         ax,bx      ; string was found (earlier we pushed the
                             ; address of the byte after the scan match)
      pop         di         ;restore caller’s register variables
      pop         si
      pop         bp         ;restore caller’s stack frame

LISTING 9.3 L9-3.C

/* Program to exercise buffer-search routines in Listings 9.1 & 9.2 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define DISPLAY_LENGTH  40
extern unsigned char * FindString(unsigned char *, unsigned int,
      unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
void main(void);
static unsigned char TestBuffer[] = “When, in the course of human \
events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the \
political bands which have connected them with another, and to \
assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station \
to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them...”;
void main() {
   static unsigned char TestString[] = “equal”;
   unsigned char TempBuffer[DISPLAY_LENGTH+1];
   unsigned char *MatchPtr;
   /* Search for TestString and report the results */
   if ((MatchPtr = FindString(TestBuffer,
         (unsigned int) strlen(TestBuffer), TestString,
         (unsigned int) strlen(TestString), 1)) == NULL) {
      /* TestString wasn’t found */
      printf(“\”%s\“ not found\n”, TestString);
   } else {
      /* TestString was found. Zero-terminate TempBuffer; strncpy
         won’t do it if DISPLAY_LENGTH characters are copied */
      TempBuffer[DISPLAY_LENGTH] = 0;
      printf(“\”%s\“ found. Next %d characters at match:\n\”%s\“\n”,
            TestString, DISPLAY_LENGTH,
            strncpy(TempBuffer, MatchPtr, DISPLAY_LENGTH));

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Graphics Programming Black Book © 2001 Michael Abrash