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The VGAs memory is organized as four 64K planes. Each of these planes is a linear bitmap; that is, each byte from a given plane controls eight adjacent pixels on the screen, the next byte controls the next eight pixels, and so on to the end of the scan line. The next byte then controls the first eight pixels of the next scan line, and so on to the end of the screen.
The VGA adds a powerful twist to linear addressing; the logical width of the screen in VGA memory need not be the same as the physical width of the display. The programmer is free to define all or part of the VGAs large memory map as a logical screen of up to 4,080 pixels in width, and then use the physical screen as a window onto any part of the logical screen. Whats more, a virtual screen can have any logical height up to the capacity of VGA memory. Such a virtual screen could be used to store a spreadsheet or a CAD/CAM drawing, for instance. As we will see shortly, the VGA provides excellent hardware for moving around the virtual screen; taken together, the virtual screen and the VGAs smooth panning capabilities can generate very impressive effects.
All four linear planes are addressed in the same 64K memory space starting at A000:0000. Consequently, there are four bytes at any given address in VGA memory. The VGA provides special hardware to assist the CPU in manipulating all four planes, in parallel, with a single memory access, so that the programmer doesnt have to spend a great deal of time switching between planes. Astute use of this VGA hardware allows VGA software to as much as quadruple performance by processing the data for all the planes in parallel.
Each memory plane provides one bit of data for each pixel. The bits for a given pixel from each of the four planes are combined into a nibble that serves as an address into the VGAs palette RAM, which maps the one of 16 colors selected by display memory into any one of 64 colors, as shown in Figure 23.1. All sixty-four mappings for all 16 colors are independently programmable. (Well discuss the VGAs color capabilities in detail starting in Chapter 33.)
The VGA BIOS supports several graphics modes (modes 4, 5, and 6) in which VGA memory appears not to be organized as four linear planes. These modes exist for CGA compatibility only, and are not true VGA graphics modes; use them when you need CGA-type operation and ignore them the rest of the time. The VGAs special features are most powerful in true VGA modes, and it is on the 16-color true-VGA modes (modes 0DH (320×200), 0EH (640×200), 10H (640×350), and 12H (640×480)) that I will concentrate in this part of the book. There is also a 256-color mode, mode 13H, that appears to be a single linear plane, but, as we will see in Chapters 3134 and 4749 of this book, thats a polite fictionand discarding that fiction gives us an opportunity to unleash the power of the VGAs hardware for vastly better performance. VGA text modes, which feature soft fonts, are another matter entirely, upon which well touch from time to time.
Figure 23.1 Video data from memory to pixel.
With that background out of the way, we can get on to the sample VGA program shown in Listing 23.1. I suggest you run the program before continuing, since the explanations will mean far more to you if youve seen the features in action.
LISTING 23.1 L23-1.ASM
; Sample VGA program. ; Animates four balls bouncing around a playfield by using ; page flipping. Playfield is panned smoothly both horizontally ; and vertically. ; By Michael Abrash. ; stack segment para stack 'STACK' db 512 dup(?) stack ends ; MEDRES_VIDEO_MODE equ 0 ;define for 640x350 video mode ; comment out for 640x200 mode VIDEO_SEGMENT equ 0a000h ;display memory segment for ; true VGA graphics modes LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH equ 672/8 ;width in bytes and height in scan LOGICAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT equ 384 ; lines of the virtual screen ; we'll work with PAGE0 equ 0 ;flag for page 0 when page flipping PAGE1 equ 1 ;flag for page 1 when page flipping PAGE0_OFFSET equ 0 ;start offset of page 0 in VGA memory PAGE1_OFFSET equ LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH * LOGICAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT ;start offset of page 1 (both pages ; are 672x384 virtual screens) BALL_WIDTH equ 24/8 ;width of ball in display memory bytes BALL_HEIGHT equ 24 ;height of ball in scan lines BLANK_OFFSET equ PAGE1_OFFSET * 2 ;start of blank image ; in VGA memory BALL_OFFSET equ BLANK_OFFSET + (BALL_WIDTH * BALL_HEIGHT) ;start offset of ball image in VGA memory NUM_BALLS equ 4 ;number of balls to animate ; ; VGA register equates. ; SC_INDEX equ 3c4h ;SC index register MAP_MASK equ 2 ;SC map mask register GC_INDEX equ 3ceh ;GC index register GC_MODE equ 5 ;GC mode register CRTC_INDEX equ 03d4h ;CRTC index register START_ADDRESS_HIGH equ 0ch ;CRTC start address high byte START_ADDRESS_LOW equ 0dh ;CRTC start address low byte CRTC_OFFSET equ 13h ;CRTC offset register INPUT_STATUS_1 equ 03dah ;VGA status register VSYNC_MASK equ 08h ;vertical sync bit in status register 1 DE_MASK equ 01h ;display enable bit in status register 1 AC_INDEX equ 03c0h ;AC index register HPELPAN equ 20h OR 13h ;AC horizontal pel panning register ; (bit 7 is high to keep palette RAM ; addressing on) dseg segment para common 'DATA' CurrentPage db PAGE1 ;page to draw to CurrentPageOffset dw PAGE1_OFFSET ; ; Four plane's worth of multicolored ball image. ; BallPlane0Image label byte ;blue plane image db 000h, 03ch, 000h, 001h, 0ffh, 080h db 007h, 0ffh, 0e0h, 00fh, 0ffh, 0f0h db 4 * 3 dup(000h) db 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh db 4 * 3 dup(000h) db 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh, 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch db 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch, 01fh, 0ffh, 0f8h db 4 * 3 dup(000h) BallPlane1Image label byte ;green plane image db 4 * 3 dup(000h) db 01fh, 0ffh, 0f8h, 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch db 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch, 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh db 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh db 8 * 3 dup(000h) db 00fh, 0ffh, 0f0h, 007h, 0ffh, 0e0h db 001h, 0ffh, 080h, 000h, 03ch, 000h BallPlane2Image label byte ;red plane image db 12 * 3 dup(000h) db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh db 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh, 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch db 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch, 01fh, 0ffh, 0f8h db 00fh, 0ffh, 0f0h, 007h, 0ffh, 0e0h db 001h, 0ffh, 080h, 000h, 03ch, 000h BallPlane3Image label byte ;intensity on for all planes, ; to produce high-intensity colors db 000h, 03ch, 000h, 001h, 0ffh, 080h db 007h, 0ffh, 0e0h, 00fh, 0ffh, 0f0h db 01fh, 0ffh, 0f8h, 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch db 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch, 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh db 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh db 07fh, 0ffh, 0feh, 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch db 03fh, 0ffh, 0fch, 01fh, 0ffh, 0f8h db 00fh, 0ffh, 0f0h, 007h, 0ffh, 0e0h db 001h, 0ffh, 080h, 000h, 03ch, 000h ; BallX dw 15, 50, 40, 70 ;array of ball x coords BallY dw 40, 200, 110, 300 ;array of ball y coords LastBallX dw 15, 50, 40, 70 ;previous ball x coords LastBallY dw 40, 100, 160, 30 ;previous ball y coords BallXInc dw 1, 1, 1, 1 ;x move factors for ball BallYInc dw 8, 8, 8, 8 ;y move factors for ball BallRep dw 1, 1, 1, 1 ;# times to keep moving ; ball according to current ; increments BallControl dw Ball0Control, Ball1Control ;pointers to current dw Ball2Control, Ball3Control ; locations in ball ; control strings BallControlString dw Ball0Control, Ball1Control ;pointers to dw Ball2Control, Ball3Control ; start of ball ; control strings ; ; Ball control strings. ; Ball0Control label word dw 10, 1, 4, 10, -1, 4, 10, -1, -4, 10, 1, -4, 0 Ball1Control label word dw 12, -1, 1, 28, -1, -1, 12, 1, -1, 28, 1, 1, 0 Ball2Control label word dw 20, 0, -1, 40, 0, 1, 20, 0, -1, 0 Ball3Control label word dw 8, 1, 0, 52, -1, 0, 44, 1, 0, 0 ; ; Panning control string. ; ifdef MEDRES_VIDEO_MODE PanningControlString dw 32, 1, 0, 34, 0, 1, 32, -1, 0, 34, 0, -1, 0 else PanningControlString dw 32, 1, 0, 184, 0, 1, 32, -1, 0, 184, 0, -1, 0 endif PanningControl dw PanningControlString ;pointer to current location ; in panning control string PanningRep dw 1 ;# times to pan according to current ; panning increments PanningXInc dw 1 ;x panning factor PanningYInc dw 0 ;y panning factor HPan db 0 ;horizontal pel panning setting PanningStartOffset dw 0 ;start offset adjustment to produce vertical ; panning & coarse horizontal panning dseg ends ; ; Macro to set indexed register P2 of chip with index register ; at P1 to AL. ; SETREG macro P1, P2 mov dx,P1 mov ah,al mov al,P2 out dx,ax endm ; cseg segment para public 'CODE' assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg start proc near mov ax,dseg mov ds,ax ; ; Select graphics mode. ; ifdef MEDRES_VIDEO_MODE mov ax,010h else mov ax,0eh endif int 10h ; ; ES always points to VGA memory. ; mov ax,VIDEO_SEGMENT mov es,ax ; ; Draw border around playfield in both pages. ; mov di,PAGE0_OFFSET call DrawBorder ;page 0 border mov di,PAGE1_OFFSET call DrawBorder ;page 1 border ; ; Draw all four plane's worth of the ball to undisplayed VGA memory. ; mov al,01h ;enable plane 0 SETREG SC_INDEX, MAP_MASK mov si,offset BallPlane0Image mov di,BALL_OFFSET mov cx,BALL_WIDTH * BALL_HEIGHT rep movsb mov al,02h ;enable plane 1 SETREG SC_INDEX, MAP_MASK mov si,offset BallPlane1Image mov di,BALL_OFFSET mov cx,BALL_WIDTH * BALL_HEIGHT rep movsb mov al,04h ;enable plane 2 SETREG SC_INDEX, MAP_MASK mov si,offset BallPlane2Image mov di,BALL_OFFSET mov cx,BALL_WIDTH * BALL_HEIGHT rep movsb mov al,08h ;enable plane 3 SETREG SC_INDEX, MAP_MASK mov si,offset BallPlane3Image mov di,BALL_OFFSET mov cx,BALL_WIDTH * BALL_HEIGHT rep movsb ; ; Draw a blank image the size of the ball to undisplayed VGA memory. ; mov al,0fh ;enable all memory planes, since the SETREG SC_INDEX, MAP_MASK ; blank has to erase all planes mov di,BLANK_OFFSET mov cx,BALL_WIDTH * BALL_HEIGHT sub al,al rep stosb ; ; Set VGA to write mode 1, for block copying ball and blank images. ; mov dx,GC_INDEX mov al,GC_MODE out dx,al ;point GC Index to GC Mode register inc dx ;point to GC Data register jmp $+2 ;delay to let bus settle in al,dx ;get current state of GC Mode and al,not 3 ;clear the write mode bits or al,1 ;set the write mode field to 1 jmp $+2 ;delay to let bus settle out dx,al ; ; Set VGA offset register in words to define logical screen width. ; mov al,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 SETREG CRTC_INDEX, CRTC_OFFSET ; ; Move the balls by erasing each ball, moving it, and ; redrawing it, then switching pages when they're all moved. ; BallAnimationLoop: mov bx,( NUM_BALLS * 2 ) - 2 EachBallLoop: ; ; Erase old image of ball in this page (at location from one more earlier). ; mov si,BLANK_OFFSET ;point to blank image mov cx,[LastBallX+bx] mov dx,[LastBallY+bx] call DrawBall ; ; Set new last ball location. ; mov ax,[BallX+bx] mov [LastballX+bx],ax mov ax,[BallY+bx] mov [LastballY+bx],ax ; ; Change the ball movement values if it's time to do so. ; dec [BallRep+bx] ;has current repeat factor run out? jnz MoveBall mov si,[BallControl+bx] ;it's time to change movement values lodsw ;get new repeat factor from ; control string and ax,ax ;at end of control string? jnz SetNewMove mov si,[BallControlString+bx] ;reset control string lodsw ;get new repeat factor SetNewMove: mov [BallRep+bx],ax ;set new movement repeat factor lodsw ;set new x movement increment mov [BallXInc+bx],ax lodsw ;set new y movement increment mov [BallYInc+bx],ax mov [BallControl+bx],si ;save new control string pointer ; ; Move the ball. ; MoveBall: mov ax,[BallXInc+bx] add [BallX+bx],ax ;move in x direction mov ax,[BallYInc+bx] add [BallY+bx],ax ;move in y direction ; ; Draw ball at new location. ; mov si,BALL_OFFSET ;point to ball's image mov cx,[BallX+bx] mov dx,[BallY+bx] call DrawBall ; dec bx dec bx jns EachBallLoop ; ; Set up the next panning state (but don't program it into the ; VGA yet). ; call AdjustPanning ; ; Wait for display enable (pixel data being displayed) so we know ; we're nowhere near vertical sync, where the start address gets ; latched and used. ; call WaitDisplayEnable ; ; Flip to the new page by changing the start address. ; mov ax,[CurrentPageOffset] add ax,[PanningStartOffset] push ax SETREG CRTC_INDEX, START_ADDRESS_LOW mov al,byte ptr [CurrentPageOffset+1] pop ax mov al,ah SETREG CRTC_INDEX, START_ADDRESS_HIGH ; ; Wait for vertical sync so the new start address has a chance ; to take effect. ; call WaitVSync ; ; Set horizontal panning now, just as new start address takes effect. ; mov al,[HPan] mov dx,INPUT_STATUS_1 in al,dx ;reset AC addressing to index reg mov dx,AC_INDEX mov al,HPELPAN out dx,al ;set AC index to pel pan reg mov al,[HPan] out dx,al ;set new pel panning ; ; Flip the page to draw to to the undisplayed page. ; xor [CurrentPage],1 jnz IsPage1 mov [CurrentPageOffset],PAGE0_OFFSET jmp short EndFlipPage IsPage1: mov [CurrentPageOffset],PAGE1_OFFSET EndFlipPage: ; ; Exit if a key's been hit. ; mov ah,1 int 16h jnz Done jmp BallAnimationLoop ; ; Finished, clear key, reset screen mode and exit. ; Done: mov ah,0 ;clear key int 16h ; mov ax,3 ;reset to text mode int 10h ; mov ah,4ch ;exit to DOS int 21h ; start endp ; ; Routine to draw a ball-sized image to all planes, copying from ; offset SI in VGA memory to offset CX,DX (x,y) in VGA memory in ; the current page. ; DrawBall proc near mov ax,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH mul dx ;offset of start of top image scan line add ax,cx ;offset of upper left of image add ax,[CurrentPageOffset] ;offset of start of page mov di,ax mov bp,BALL_HEIGHT push ds push es pop ds ;move from VGA memory to VGA memory DrawBallLoop: push di mov cx,BALL_WIDTH rep movsb ;draw a scan line of image pop di add di,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH ;point to next destination scan line dec bp jnz DrawBallLoop pop ds ret DrawBall endp ; ; Wait for the leading edge of vertical sync pulse. ; WaitVSync proc near mov dx,INPUT_STATUS_1 WaitNotVSyncLoop: in al,dx and al,VSYNC_MASK jnz WaitNotVSyncLoop WaitVSyncLoop: in al,dx and al,VSYNC_MASK jz WaitVSyncLoop ret WaitVSync endp ; ; Wait for display enable to happen (pixels to be scanned to ; the screen, indicating we're in the middle of displaying a frame). ; WaitDisplayEnable proc near mov dx,INPUT_STATUS_1 WaitDELoop: in al,dx and al,DE_MASK jnz WaitDELoop ret WaitDisplayEnable endp ; ; Perform horizontal/vertical panning. ; AdjustPanning proc near dec [PanningRep] ;time to get new panning values? jnz DoPan mov si,[PanningControl] ;point to current location in ; panning control string lodsw ;get panning repeat factor and ax,ax ;at end of panning control string? jnz SetnewPanValues mov si,offset PanningControlString ;reset to start of string lodsw ;get panning repeat factor SetNewPanValues: mov [PanningRep],ax ;set new panning repeat value lodsw mov [PanningXInc],ax ;horizontal panning value lodsw mov [PanningYInc],ax ;vertical panning value mov [PanningControl],si ;save current location in panning ; control string ; ; Pan according to panning values. ; DoPan: mov ax,[PanningXInc] ;horizontal panning and ax,ax js PanLeft ;negative means pan left jz CheckVerticalPan mov al,[HPan] inc al ;pan right; if pel pan reaches cmp al,8 ; 8, it's time to move to the jb SetHPan ; next byte with a pel pan of 0 sub al,al ; and a start offset that's one inc [PanningStartOffset] ; higher jmp short SetHPan PanLeft: mov al,[HPan] dec al ;pan left; if pel pan reaches -1, jns SetHPan ; it's time to move to the next mov al,7 ; byte with a pel pan of 7 and a dec [PanningStartOffset] ; start offset that's one lower SetHPan: mov [HPan],al ;save new pel pan value CheckVerticalPan: mov ax,[PanningYInc] ;vertical panning and ax,ax js PanUp ;negative means pan up jz EndPan add [PanningStartOffset],LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH ;pan down by advancing the start ; address by a scan line jmp short EndPan PanUp: sub [PanningStartOffset],LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH ;pan up by retarding the start ; address by a scan line EndPan: ret ; ; Draw textured border around playfield that starts at DI. ; DrawBorder proc near ; ; Draw the left border. ; push di mov cx,LOGICAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 16 DrawLeftBorderLoop: mov al,0ch ;select red color for block call DrawBorderBlock add di,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 8 mov al,0eh ;select yellow color for block call DrawBorderBlock add di,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 8 loop DrawLeftBorderLoop pop di ; ; Draw the right border. ; push di add di,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 mov cx,LOGICAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 16 DrawRightBorderLoop: mov al,0eh ;select yellow color for block call DrawBorderBlock add di,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 8 mov al,0ch ;select red color for block call DrawBorderBlock add di,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 8 loop DrawRightBorderLoop pop di ; ; Draw the top border. ; push di mov cx,(LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2) / 2 DrawTopBorderLoop: inc di mov al,0eh ;select yellow color for block call DrawBorderBlock inc di mov al,0ch ;select red color for block call DrawBorderBlock loop DrawTopBorderLoop pop di ; ; Draw the bottom border. ; add di,(LOGICAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8) * LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH mov cx,(LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2) / 2 DrawBottomBorderLoop: inc di mov al,0ch ;select red color for block call DrawBorderBlock inc di mov al,0eh ;select yellow color for block call DrawBorderBlock loop DrawBottomBorderLoop ret DrawBorder endp ; ; Draws an 8x8 border block in color in AL at location DI. ; DI preserved. ; DrawBorderBlock proc near push di SETREG SC_INDEX, MAP_MASK mov al,0ffh rept 8 stosb add di,LOGICAL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 endm pop di ret DrawBorderBlock endp AdjustPanning endp cseg ends end start
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